

Nazwa indeksu
Normalized Dfference Vegetation Index
(Rouse, 1974)
Simple Ratio Vegetation Index
Richardson and Wiegand, 1977
Transformed Normalized Dfference Vegetation Index
Tucker, 1979
Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index
Perry and Lautenschlager, 1984
Thiam`s Transformed Vegetation Index
Thaim, 1997
The Ratio Vegetation Index
(Birth and McVey, 1968)
Normalized Ratio Vegetation Index
Baret and Guyot, (1991)
Infrared Index
Hardisky, Klemas, Smart, (1983)
Moisure Stress Index
Rock, Wiliams, Vogelmann, (1985)
Moisure Stress Index 2
B. R. Gardner, D. C. Nielsen and C. C. Shock, 1992
Green NDVI
Gitelson, Kaufman and Merzylak, 1996
Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index
Lymburner et al., 2000
Enhanced Vegetation Index (MODIS)
(Huete et al.,
1996; 1997)
Green Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index
(Gitelson et al., 1996)
Wide-Dynamic Range Vegetation Index
(Gitelson, 2004)
Green Chlorophyll Index
(Gitelson et al., (2003a), (2003c), (2005))
Red-edge Chlorophyll Index
(Gitelson et al., (2003a), (2003c), (2005))
MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index
(Dash and Curran, 2004)
Perpendicular Vegetation Index
Richardson and Wiegand, 1977
Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index
Huete, 1988
Transformed SAVI
Baret, Guyot and Major, 1989
GEMI- Normalized Dfference Vegetation Index
Pinty and Verstraete, 1992
Modified Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Indices 2
Qi et al., 1994
Difference Vegetation Index
Tucker, 1979
Vegetation Index one
Vina, 2003
Renormalized Difference Vegetation Index
Reujean, Breon, 1995

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